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Article: How to Fit in Workouts as a Busy Professional

How to Fit in Workouts as a Busy Professional

How to Fit in Workouts as a Busy Professional

Whether you’re an independent business owner, a stay-at-home parent, or anything in between, it can be difficult to find time to fit in a workout amidst your jam-packed schedule of priorities and obligations.

It’s important to note, however, that prioritizing your own health above everything else will ultimately allow you to show up as your best self, whatever the day’s obligations might be…

The best part?

Contrary to popular belief, exercising doesn’t have to be time-consuming and rigorous. In fact, an effective workout can be achieved in under 20-minutes in the comfort of your own home using just your body weight!

If you’re a busy professional and you’re finding it difficult to fit a daily workout into your schedule, this article is for you! Below are several effective tools, tips, and tactics that you can be implemented to help YOU prioritize your workouts without them getting in the way of your professional life.


Workout Tips for Busy Professionals

There are endless tips, tricks, tools, tactics, and strategies for ensuring a consistent exercise regimen, no matter your schedule; after all, however busy your schedule might be, we all have the same 24 hours in a day…
While each tip about to be discussed in this article is effective in its own right at ensuring that you stick to your promises, they’re not full proof. Instead, it’s ultimately up to YOU to hold yourself accountable and remain committed and consistent throughout, no matter what the day throws at you.

With that said, in what follows, however, we’ve compiled a short list of the best tips for how YOU can begin to fit in workouts amidst your busy schedule. While some of the tips might sound simple and somewhat common sense, we didn’t say it’s easy. However, who wants to take the easy path anyways?!

Wake Up Earlier

While this might sound like common sense, it’s easier said than done; especially as a busy professional who may double as a parent or caregiver! However, if health and fitness are a priority in your life (and it should be…), then you need to begin to treat it as such.

Let’s face it, sometimes life just gets too busy, making it feel like we simply don’t have enough hours in a day… But what if you woke up just 30 minutes earlier?! What you’ll learn is that in that 30 minutes, you can accomplish so much, withstanding the fact that it’ll also promote self-care, stress relief, and overall mental fortitude!

How can you use the extra time, you ask?! The options are endless! From a brisk morning walk or run to a 20-minute high-intensity interval workout or preparatory yoga session. Further, maybe you’d prefer to exercise in the evening. By waking up earlier, you can accomplish the tasks that would otherwise be accomplished later in the day, ultimately freeing up your time to exercise as preferred.

Bring Your Exercise Clothes to Work

Next, consider packing your gym bag the night before and bring your workout clothes with you to work. Not only will this save you time from commuting back and forth to the gym but it will also reduce decision fatigue that so often accompanies e busy professional’s lifestyle…

Further, packing a gym back that’s equipped and ready with your gym clothes and all will act as a reminder, an accountability partner if you will, to get that daily workout in amidst your busy professional schedule at work.

No longer will you have the excuse of “doing it tomorrow”; no longer will you be tempted by the couch upon walking through your home’s front door after a long day; no longer can you falsely justify to your peers that you “forgot” to bring your gym attire.

As you’re likely beginning to recognize, all of these tips are simply a means of forcing yourself to be held accountable, no matter the scenario or predicament that you find yourself in…

Implement At-Home Workouts

This brings us to the next tip… What if we told you that you don’t necessarily HAVE to go to the gym in order to get in a workout?! Well, contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to!

Gone are the days of thinking you need to invest in an expensive gym membership that boasts a whopping 20,000 square feet of exercise space to accomplish an effective workout; Quite the opposite, in fact…

Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult. Instead, it simply requires you to move your body, break a sweat, and get the endorphins flowing!

Whether it’s in your garage, family room, or designated space made for a makeshift home gym, at-home workouts can be just as, if not more effective than any workout you can accomplish at a corporate gym; it all comes down to intention.

With that said, it’s not enough to simply “decide” that you’re going to exercise from home. Instead, you actually need to have some type of plan. Part of that plan? Investing in quality fitness equipment that will facilitate a great at-home workout without the hassle.

Here at Redge Fit, we supply our loyal customers with the highest quality fitness equipment on the market, from yoga mats, gym mats, and ab rollers, to resistance bands, portable resistance machines, and pull-up bars… To learn more about our at-home exercise equipment, check out our full line of products here!

Although many still have their own reservations about exercising from home, as a busy professional, it’s both convenient and effective. With the right equipment, at-home workouts will become your new best friend!


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